13 Films in Main Competition

37. Gdynia Film Festival poster


The Main Competition lineup of this year’s 37th Gdynia Film Festival has been released. The films competing for the Golden Lions Grand Prize this year include seven world premieres, three films by first-time directors, and one film by a second-time director. Several of the competition films have already seen their theatrical release. 


On April 5, 2012, the Organizing Committee of the 37th Gdynia Film Festival confirmed the following Main Competition lineup:

  1. 80 milionów (80 Million), directed by Waldemar Krzystek
  2. Baby są jakieś inne (Man, Chicks Are Just Different), directed by Marek Koterski
  3. Bez wstydu (Shameless), directed by Filip Marczewski
  4. Droga na drugą stronę (Crulic – The Path to Beyond), directed by Anca Damian
  5. Dzień kobiet (Women’s Day), directed by Maria Sadowska
  6. Jesteś bogiem (You Are God), directed by Leszek Dawid
  7. Mój rower (My Father’s Bike), directed by Piotr Trzaskalski
  8. Obława (Manhunt), directed by Marcin Krzyształowicz
  9. Sekret (Secret), directed by Przemysław Wojcieszek
  10. Sponsoring (Elles), directed by Małgośka Szumowska
  11. Supermarket, directed by Maciej Żak
  12. W ciemności (In Darkness), directed by Agnieszka Holland
  13. W sypialni (In the Bedroom), directed by Tomasz Wasilewski

The Organizing Committee has also allowed the possibility of one further picture joining the competition lineup at a later date. This film’s inclusion in this year’s Main Competition depends on its production process.


Twelve of the thirteen films in this year’s Main Competition received support from the Polish Film Institute.


Source: www.festiwalgdynia.pl.


Translated by Karolina Kołtun
