Dorota Kędzierzawska's Retrospective in Kolkata

This year’s Kolkata International Film Festival will feature a retrospective of films by director Dorota Kędzierzawska.

Unforgettable Creations by Kędzierzawska

The retrospective will feature seven films: Koniec świata (End of the World); Diabły, diabły (Devils, Devils); Wrony (Crows); Nic (Nothing); Jestem (I Am); Pora umierać (Time to Die), and Jutro będzie lepiej (Tomorrow Will Be Better).


The festival website describes Kędzierzawska in the following words: “It is likely that you haven’t heard of Dorota Kedzierzawska. It is far more likely — indeed, a certainty that you won’t forget this Polish filmmaker once you see her creations.”

Kolkata Film Festival

The 18th Kolkata International Film Festival will run from November 10 through November 17, screening a total of 160 films from 62 countries. The Kolkata event is India’s second oldest film festival, showcasing a wide selection of feature, documentary and short films. It is often referred to as ‘the most intellectual film festival in Asia’.


Further details available at


Translated by Karolina Kołtun
