"Ida" in Cinemas Around the World

Ida, photo courtesy of Solopan


Ida, a film directed by Paweł Pawlikowski and co-financed by the Polish Film Institute has been released theatrically in many countries around the world.

Europe and Beyond

The number of countries that have released Paweł Pawlikowski’s Ida theatrically continues to grow. The film has now screened in countries across Europe, North America, South America, Australia, and Asia. To date, countries that have released the film theatrically include:

Upcoming Releases

On September 11, Ida will be released theatrically in Slovakia (ASFK) and Hungary (Mozinet). September 26 will bring the film’s premiere in cinemas across the United Kingdom (Artificial Eye, Curzon Film World) and Ireland. The film’s premiere in Denmark (Camera Film) is scheduled for October 9, while the theatrical release in Sweden (Folkets Bio) is set for October 24.

A Box-Office Success

In the United States, the film has marked over 443,000 admissions to date (with a box office of 3,551,006 USD, according to Box Office Mojo), and over 500,000 admissions in France.


World sales of Ida are handled by Portobello Film Sales.


Paulina Bez


Translated by Karolina Kołtun
