"In the Name Of..." at Hong Kong IFF

Andrzej Chyra
Andrzej Chyra in W imię… (In the Name Of…)


The 37th Hong Kong International Film Festival will run from March 17 through April 2. The festival lineup features W imię… (In the Name Of…), a film directed by Małgorzata Szumowska and co-financed by the Polish Film Institute.

The ‘World Cinema Global Vision’ Section

W imię… (In the Name Of…) will screen in the section of the Hong Kong IFF that showcases 31 films from around the world. In addition to Szumowska’s feature, audiences in Hong Kong will have an opportunity to see such films as Frances Ha – the latest film by American director Noah Baumbach, Hijacking by Tobias Lindholm, and The Deep by Baltasar Kormákur.

Documentaries and Avant Garde

The ‘Documentaries: Filmmakers and Filmmaking’ section, dedicated to portraits of acclaimed filmmakers, will feature the documentary Roman Polański: A Film Memoir by Laurent Bouzereau. The Avant Garde section will feature The Capsule, a short film by Athina Rachel Tsangari, which was co-written by the film’s Greek director and Polish artist Aleksandra Waliszewska.


Further details available at www.hkiff.org.hk.


Marta Sikorska


Translated by Karolina Kołtun
