New safety rules on the film set

There are new safety rules on the film set, which were published in connection with the possibility of resuming work from May 18. The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage provided detailed guidelines.

Resumption of work on film sets, taking into account sanitary requirements, was in the third stage of lifting the restrictions associated with the coronavirus epidemic. The decision was made at a meeting of the Governmental Crisis Management Team.

On resuming film sets it is recommended, among other things, that all team members work in masks, as long as this does not prevent them from effectively performing their tasks and duties. Exceptions include actors due to their characterization and hairstyles – in this case, it is recommended that they maintain distance from other members of the film crew. It is also recommended to limit the number of people on the set to the maximum depending on the nature of the shooting day and to arrange the crew in such a way as not to create larger clusters, e.g. by  creating zones to move around the film set.

You can read the details of the new safety rules on the film set here
