Polish Animated Films in Brazil

Several Polish animated films are featured in the lineup of the upcoming 2nd International Stop Motion Festival of Brazil, which runs from November 27 through December 1, 2012. These films include projects co-financed by the Polish Film Institute.

Films Supported by Polish Film Institute Screening in Competition

The festival’s competition section features several Polish animations, including films co-financed by the Polish Film Institute: Danny Boy by Marek Skrobecki, Oczko by Eliza Płocieniak-Alvarez, Skrzydła 3D by Krzysztof Szafraniec, and Underlife by Jarosław Konopka.

Panorama of Polish Puppet Animation

To celebrate the 65th anniversary of Polish animation, the festival’s Polish Stop Motion special section will feature 16 films showing different aspects of puppet animations and spatial animation techniques. These films are: Za króla Krakusa (1947) by Zenon Wasilewski, Cyrk (1954) by Włodzimierz Haupe, Szkoła (1959) by Walerian Borowczyk, Koty i kociaki (1964) by Tadeusz Wilkosz, Kwartecik (1965) by Edward Sturlis, Kundelek (1969) by Lidia Hornicka, Smok Barnaba (1977) by Tadeusz Wilkosz, Wyścig (1989) by Marek Serafiński, Tramwaj (2007), Ucieczka (2009), Zabawki (2011), and Wszystkie maja po chłopoku (2011) by Monika Kuczyniecka, Szafa Zbigniewa (2010) by Magdalena Osińska, Noise (2011) by Przemysław Adamski and Katarzyna Kijek, Afternoon (2009) by Izabela Plucińska, and Był sobie król… (2011) by Tytus Majerski.

Stop Motion Festival

Organized for the first time in 2011 in Recife, the Stop Motion Festival of Brazil is currently one of three festivals in the world (next to Canada’s Montreal Stop Motion festival and the Polish-Slovenian Stoptrik festival) that are dedicated only to puppet animation and other spatial animation techniques. The showcase of Polish films at the Stop Motion Festival of Brazil was possible thanks to Łódź-based Animation Across Borders, a company that handles distribution and promotion of animated films.


One of the focus areas of the Stop Motion Festival will be workshops in clay animation, run by Monika Kuczyniecka, animation artist and author of acclaimed animated music videos for such artists as Czesław Śpiewa, Dagadana, Voo Voo, and Bajzel.


Further details about the festival available at: www.brasilstopmotion.com.br.

Written by Paulina Bez based on the press release


Translated by Karolina Kołtun
