Polish Films in Montevideo

Seven Polish films will screen at the 31st Montevideo International Film Festival in Uruguay. The festival runs from March 23 through April 6.

Polish Films in Panorama

Organized annually since 1982, the Montevideo International Film Festival is one of the largest film events in South America. The goal of the festival is to present local audiences with the most interesting accomplishments in the world of narrative, documentary and animated filmmaking from around the world. The Panorama section of the 31st edition of the Montevideo IFF will feature the acclaimed feature Róża (Rosa) by Wojciech Smarzowski and the short documentary Wiosna, lato, jesień (Spring, Summer, Fall) by Piotr Złotorowicz, a student at the National Film School in Łódź.

Films Co-Financed by the Polish Film Institute

The festival lineup will also feature a separate segment for films made by Polish Television and the Polish Film Institute. The lineup of this section will include the feature film Zabić bobra (To Kill a Beaver) by Jan Jakub Kolski and Bez wstydu (Shameless) by Filip Marczewski, as well as two documentaries: Argentyńska lekcja (Argentinian Lesson) by Wojciech Staroń and Uwikłani (Entangled) by Lidia Duda, which won an award at the Krakow Film Festival. The Montevideo festival will also mark the international premiere of Mundial. Gra o wszystko (Mundial. The Highest Stakes) by Michał Bielawski, a look at the 1982 World Cup in Spain in context of the times of martial law in Poland.


Polish films often receive acclaim in Montevideo. In 2011, Erratum by Marek Lechki, Różyczka (Little Rose) by Jan Kidawa-Błoński and Maska (Mask) by the Quay brothers all received awards at the Montevideo International Film Festival.


Source: Portalfilmowy.pl.


Translated by Karolina Kołtun
