Documentaries Nadejdą lepsze czasy (Something Better to Come) by Hanna Polak and Królowa ciszy (The Queen of Silence) by Agnieszka Zwiefka, both co-financed by the Polish Film Institute, received awards at the 30th DOK.fest International Film Festival in Munich.

Polish Film Wins the DOK.international Main Competition

In the jury statement, jury members recognized director Hanna Polak’s ongoing commitment over 14 years to the dwellers of one of Europe’s largest rubbish dumps, located outside of Moscow. The jury awarded the VIKTOR grand prize and 10,000 euros to Hanna Polak for “the special access [the audience was] allowed to the protagonists, for the striking images, for placing the audience within the political and social context of Russian society, and for incorporating many layers in one piece of art.” The film, made as a Polish-Danish co-production, was produced by Danish Documentary Production and Hanna Polak Films.

Special Mention for Królowa ciszy (The Queen of Silence)

The DOK.international Main Competition also brought special mention for Agnieszka Zwiefka’s Królowa ciszy (The Queen of Silence). The jury statement describes the film as “an illuminating film about dreams and reality, which skilfully combines music, dance and scenes of the Roma community’s everyday life.” The jury also recognized the film’s “compelling character, who, despite her disability, shows a strong passion for life.” Królowa ciszy (The Queen of Silence) was made as a Polish-German co-production, with Chilli Productions, Odra Film and HBO Poland as producers on the Polish side.

The 30th DOK.fest International Documentary Film Festival in Munich closed on May 17, 2015.

The complete list of awarded films is available on the festival website: www.dokfest-muenchen.de.

Translated by Karolina Kołtun
